Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Jason has accepted a challenge to do something he REALLY does not want to do…PUT HIS BEARD ON THE LINE!!!  But, he loves Shakirah more than his beard! J  We are raising money to get this adoption process moving along!

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS:  $1.00 = 1 vote through the month of June. 
You can make a donation and cast your vote through 11:59pm Friday June 30th, 2017. On Saturday July 1st, we will reveal which side won and Jason will either shave his beard completely, or he will get to save it!  If the “shave it” side wins, then whoever has the largest donation gets to do the honor of taking the clippers to his face!  (If they want…if they don’t want to; then they can choose someone else to do it.) 

How to donate:
1. Tax deductible online donation - https://adopttogether.org/families/?fundraiser=adopt-shakirah. When you donate, there will be an option to add a comment.  Cast your vote in the comment!
2. Cash or check with a note casting your vote and give to Jason or me.
I have this as a public event on Facebook, so go to our page and find the link (or just do a search for Shave it or Save it).  Every couple of days we will post a chart on that page with an update as to which side is winning.  It will look something like the chart I posted in the pictures of the event. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

I know it has been a long time since I have updated the blog!  We finally got our home study completed (for the second time!), and Reverend Jeremiah delivered it to our attorney in Uganda on his last trip there.  That attorney is finalizing some paperwork, and then he will get us a court date.  He said that the court date won’t be until at least September because of the schedule of the Ugandan court.  In the meantime, we are still trying to complete steps on the U.S. side.  We still owe our U.S. attorney a lot of money ($8,500 to be exact), so that side is going pretty slow right now.  Between that and anticipating a trip to Uganda for court there, keep your eye out for some upcoming fundraisers!  You can also make a tax-deductible donation through this website: http://adopttogether.org/families/?fundraiser=adopt-shakirah.  If you look at some of the earlier posts, we do still have  pieces left on the puzzle fundraiser as well!
Shakirah is currently still in a boarding school and doing very well with her grades!
Thank you for all the prayers!  Love y’all!

Jason & Molly